sharepoint imageHuron Perth Catholic District School Board Code of conduct ​

Our School Community believes that:

  • Everyone should demonstrate appropriate Christian behaviour.
  • Everyone should be treated, and treat others, fairly, with dignity, tolerance, equality and respect.
  • Everyone should be accepted with his or her individual talents and faults.
  • Every one has the right to work, play and be educated in a cooperative and safe environment.
  • Everyone must collectively assist students develop responsibility for their own behaviour and learning, and foster pride in doing their best.

​​Members of our School Community will:

  • Promote respect for self, others and property.  
  • Build Christian values   ~ in school ~ on the bus ~ on the schoolyard ~ on school trips ~ at home ~ in Church ~ in the community.
  • Provide activities that are success orientated and build on individual strengths.
  • Work together to demonstrate self-discipline, selfassessment, and appropriate problem solving techniques.
  • Continue to promote open communication. ​ 

Duties of Students (from Regulation 298)

1.  A pupil shall:

    • be diligent in attempting to master such studies as are part of the program in which the pupil is enrolled;
    • exercise self-discipline;
    • accept such discipline as would be exercised by a kind, firm, and judicious parent;
    • attend classes punctually and regularly;
    • be  courteous to fellow pupils and obedient and courteous to teachers;
    • be clean in person and habits;
    • take such tests and examinations as are required by or under the Act or as may be directed by the Ministry; and
    • show respect for school property
    • When a pupil returns to school after an absence, a parent of the pupil shall give the reason for the absence orally or in writing, as the principal requires.
2.  A pupil may be excused by the principal from attendance at school temporarily at any time at the written request of a parent of the pupil. ​
3.  Every pupil is responsible for his or her conduct to the principal of the school that the pupil attends:

    • on the school premises;
    • on out-of-school activities that are part of the school program;
    • while traveling on a school bus that is owned by a Board or on a bus or school bus that is under contract to the Board. 

Discipline Procedure​

At St. Columban and St. Patrick’s schools our staff strives to establish a Christ-Centered Community by developing genuine Christian values, discipline and behaviour. We focus on student/parent/teacher communication to deal directly with most student behaviour issues, prior to major infractions occurring. Students are asked to be Christian Role Models to one another and to support the school code of conduct, understanding their responsibility to others and to act accordingly. Parents are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher first about any concerns regarding the support provided to their child and/or to report incidents of bullying, which is defined as: “Aggressive and typically repeated behaviour that is intended to have the effect of causing harm, fear or distress or creating a negative environment, in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance.”

(Huron-Perth Catholic DSB Policy 3D:7) 

When infractions do occur within the schools contact home will be made. Additionally, students may be involved in activities that help them understand that energies used in a positive manner will aid in the functioning of the school and their very important role within it. Our hope is that parents will engage in conversations with their children to support school expectations and appropriate student behaviour. Following are a list of possible infractions for which parents will be contacted:

    • disrespect for authority
    • profane language
    • harassment towards others/ bullying
    • vandalism/destruction of property
    • fighting/physical aggression
    • leaving school property
    • throwing/kicking of materials in a dangerous manner
    • others as deemed appropriate by principal/ or designate. ** Please note this is a guideline only, and the principal/designate shall ultimately decide the consequence which will result from each incident.
Definition of Progressive Discipline

Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequence to address inappropriate student behaviour and to build upon strategies that promote positive behaviours.  In everything we do at our school we are lead by faith and conscious effort to model Catholic values.  We continue to employ and track a range of responses to misbehaviours which foster learning opportunities to reinforce positive behaviours, while helping our students make good choices in the future.

Range of Responses to Behaviour

The components or our progressive discipline continuum include, but are not limited to:​​

    • Verbal reminders
    • Class meetings
    • Teacher generated written activities which offer reflection, apology and action plan
    • Teacher collaboration with our parent or guardian (orally or in writing) 
    • Peer mediation
    • Referral to principal
    • Detention, loss of privileges
    • Re-location within the classroom or learning environment
    • Removal from environment
    • Referral to out of school personnel (counselling services, truancy officer)
    • Restitution, restorative  justice
    • Suspension
    • Expulsion ​

On an annual basis, the principal will review the School Code of Conduct and review it with the Catholic School Advisory Council and with all staff members.  This Code of Conduct is communicated to all students, parents and staff.  Staff members dealing with incidents of student misbehaviour will act in accordance with the definition of progressive discipline and its range of responses.  In addition, when dealing with incidents of misbehaviour by students with special needs, we will respond in a manner consistent with the expectation of the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). ​​

​Dress Code/Personal Appearance
Students are expected to dress neatly to promote a positive learning environment. As a school, we must strive to maintain standards of neatness, cleanliness, modesty and good taste. Our dress code will continue to foster a safe and respectful learning and teaching environment in accordance with our Christian values.
According to Board Policy it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their children come to school prepared for weather conditions, including snow and sun. Warm coats, boots, hats, and mittens are necessary in the winter, and a hat and lightweight clothing are expected during the warmer weather, in addition to each student having their own bottle of sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher), which they can reapply at school for outdoor activities.


The following expectations have been formed in consultation and acceptance by the school staff and School Advisory Council. The issues of modesty and safety form the basis of our code. We rely on both the parents and students to support the expectations below to maintain our school dress code. This dress code is also in effect during all school related activities, such as excursions and cocurricular events. 

    • Halter tops, tube tops, mesh shirts, muscle shirts, spandex bicycle wear, cut-off shirts and shorts, tops that expose the midriff, tops that are cut low in the front and/or back should not be worn.
    • Shorts and skirts should be no shorter than the end of the fingertips with arms fully extended at the sides.
    • Straps on tops are to be a minimum of three finger widths wide and fit snugly around the shoulder and under the armpit.
    • Suggestive or inappropriate language or symbols, which are contrary to Catholic values, are not permitted on any clothing or personal belongings. Clothing promoting alcohol, sex, violence, rude expressions, drugs or tobacco is not appropriate.
    • Sunglasses and hats are encouraged to be worn outdoors. No hats, sun visors, or outdoor headgear are to be worn in the school.
    • Outside footwear that is wet, dirty, or muddy is to be removed before entering the school building.

Students will have separate indoor running shoes that are to be kept at the school. Shoes with black soles that may mark the floor are not to be worn. Proper indoor footwear keeps the school and the classroom neat and clean for all and reflects a pride in one’s environment.

Students who disregard the above code will be asked to change into more suitable clothing. Parents will be contacted if alternate clothing is not available.  Any final decision on the suitability of student dress rests with the school administration. ​

Gym Clothing

The school requests that parents provide clean running shoes with non-scuff soles in the gym that will be kept at school. Gym shoes, shorts and a T-shirt are required for gym classes and athletic events; a change of gym clothes is mandatory in grades 6 – 8.​